
This is the website and blog of Dr John Lever.

Journal articles

  1. Refai, D., Lever., Haloub, R. (2024) Entrepreneurship in constrained immigration contexts - the liminal integration of Syrian refugees, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 36, 3-4, p. 416-435
  2. Miele, M., Lever, J., Evans, A. & Fuseini, A. (2024) Situating halal: religiosity, identity and lifestyle in halal consumption in the United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates, Consumption and Society. 3, 1, p. 37-55 19
  3. Lever, J., Vandeventer, J. and Miele, M. (2023) The ontological politics of kosher food: between strict orthodoxy and global markets, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
  4. Swailes, S. and Lever, J. (2023) Becoming and staying talented: a figurational analysis of organization, power and control, ephemera. 23, 2, p. 61-84
  5. Fuseini, A., Miele, M. & Lever, J., 1 (2023), Poultry Welfare at Slaughter, Poultry. 2, 1, p. 98-110
  6. Lever, J., Blake, M., Newton, D. & Downing, G. (2022) Working across boundaries in regional place-based food systems: Triggering transformation in a time of crisis, Cities
  7. Lever, J. and Sonnino, R. (2022) Food system transformation for sustainable city-regions: exploring the potential of circular economies, Regional Studies
  8. Gittens, P., McElwee, G. & Lever, J. (2022) Constrained entrepreneurship in UK agriculture: A Weberian analysis, Journal of Rural Studies. 95, p. 495-504
  9. Fuseini, A., Teye, M. & Lever, J., (2022), An update on halal slaughter: Current methods and ongoing research on halal meat production techniques and their implications for animal welfare, Animal Welfare. 31, 2, p. 269-276
  10. Cheetham, F. and Lever, J. (2021) People, power and politics: Developing a public sector sharing economy, Geoforum, 126, 244-252
  11. Fuseini, A. and Lever, J. (2021) Sustainable livestock agriculture from Islamic perspective, CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 16 (26)
  12. Lever, J. (2020) Understanding halal food production and consumption in 'the West'. Beyond dominant narrative, Cambio. Revista Sulle Transformazioni, 10 (19) 89-102 
  13. Lever, J., Sonnino, R. and Cheetham, F. (2019) Reconfiguring local food governance in an age of austerity: towards a place-based approach? Journal of Rural Studies
  14. Lever, J. (2019) Halal meat and religious slaughter: from spatial concealment to social controversy – breaching the boundaries of the permissible? Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
  15. Refai, D., Haloub, R. and Lever, J. (2018) Contextualizing entrepreneurial identity among Syrian refugees in Jordan: The emergence of a destabilized habitus? Special Issue of International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  16. Lever, J., and Powell, R. (2017) 'Problems of involvement and detachment': Norbert Elias and the investigation of contemporary social processes, in Human Figurations, 6(2)
  17. McElwee, G., Smith, R. and Lever, J (2017) Illegal activity in the UK halal (sheep) supply chain: towards greater understanding, in Food Policy, 69
  18. Knight, J.,  Thompson, A. and Lever, J. (2017) Network Evolution during Long-term Migration: A comparison of three case studies in the South Wales region, in Social Identities: for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture.
  19. Lever, J. (2016) From the present to the past and back again: Wacquant's challenge for sociology (Loïc Wacquant Commentaries), People, Place and Policy Online, 10(2) pp. 183-184.
  20. Lever, J. and Milbourne, P. (2015) ‘The structural invisibility of outsiders: the role of migrant labour in the meat-processing industry’, published on-line first 23 December: Open Access in Sociology.
  21. Powell, R. and Lever, J. (2015) Europe’s perennial "outsiders": A processual approach to Roma stigmatization and ghettoization, in Current Sociology
  22. Knight, J., Lever, J. and Thompson, A. (2014) The Experience of Polish Migrants in the Welsh Labour Market: A comparison of three regions in South Wales, in Central & Eastern European Migration Review, December 2014
  23. Lever, J. and Milbourne P. (2014) Migrant workers and migrant entrepreneurs: changing established/outsider relations across society and space?, in Space and Polity, Vol. 18, No. 3, 255–268
  24. Lever, J. and Smith, I. (2013) 'Learning to build sustainable communities: an interdependency network perspective', in People, Place and Policy On-line 7 (3), December
  25. Lever, J. (2013) ‘The postliberal politics of halal: new trajectories in the civilizing process?’, in a special issue of Human Figurations 2 (3), November
  26. Miele, M. and Lever, J. (2013) Civilizing the market for welfare friendly products in Europe? The techno-ethics of the Welfare Quality AssessmentGeoforum 48 (2013) pp. 63–72
  27. Lever J. and Miele, M. (2012) The growth of Halal meat markets in Europe: an exploration of the supply side theory of religion’Journal of Rural Studies 28 (4) pp. 528-537.
  28. Howard, J. and Lever, J. (2011) 'New Governance Spaces': what generates a participatory disposition in different contexts?, Voluntary Sector Review, Vol. 2 (1).
  29. Lever, J. (2011) ‘Urban regeneration partnerships: a figurational critique of governmentality theory’, in Sociology 45 (1).
  30. Taylor, M., Howard, J. and Lever, J. (2010) Citizen Participation and Civic Activism in Comparative Perspective, The Journal of Civil Society 6 (2).
  31. Shaftoe, H., Turksen, U., Lever, J. and Williams, S., (2007) Dealing with terrorist threats through a crime prevention and community safety approach, Crime Prevention and Community Safety, Vol. 9 (4).
  32. Lever, J. (2005) Governmentalisation and Local Strategic Partnerships: whose priorities? Environment and Planning C, Government and Policy: Vol. 23 (6).

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