
This is the website and blog of Dr John Lever.

Research Reports

  1. Lever, J., Dastgir, S. & Fuseini, A., (2024) The value of the halal sector to the UK economy: from farm to fork, Halal Monitoring Committee
  2. Haq, M. Lever, J. & Wilkinson, S. (2023) Engagement with micro businesses and the communities they serve project, Public Engagement Report.
  3. Lever, J. Blake, M, Newton, D. and  Downing, G. (2021) A "Safe" and "Just" Regional Food System, University of Huddersfield 
  4. Refai, D., Lever, J and Haloub, R. (2021) A Better Future? Understanding Refugee Entrepreneurship (BFURE)
  5. Lever, J. (2020) Covid-19 Policy Brief: A Regional Approach to Food System Reform
  6. Lever, J. Cheetham, F. & McEachern, M. (2018) Supermarket food waste: prevent, redistribute, share: Towards a circular economy?, Project Report, Sharing the Burden of Supermarket Food Waste: Towards Sustainability and a Circular Economy?
  7. Miele, M. and Lever, J. (2016) Comparing halal requirements for labelling food and cosmetics in the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom, Consumer Survey Report: Dubai Accreditation Centre, unpublished.
  8. Lever, J. (2016) Developing a Strong and Sustainable Food Economy in Kirklees, Centre for Sustainable and Resilient Communities, Kirklees Council and University of Huddersfield Business School
  9. Lever, J. and Cheetham, F. (2015) Comoodle and the Collaborative Economy,  Case study report(s), (Unpublished).
  10. Jones, L. and Lever, J. et al. (2014) 'Migrant Workers in Rural Wales and the South Wales Valleys', Research Report, Wales Rural Observatory.
  11. Lever, J. (2012) 'A report into the impact of multi-agency work supporting Roma children in education', Research Report for BHA for Equality in Health and Social Care.
  12. Lever, J. (2012) 'No Return, No Asylum: Destitution as a way of life? The extent and impact of destitution amongst asylum seekers in Bradford', Research Report for Destitution Concern Bradford.
  13. Lever, J. (2011) An evidence assessment of the 2010 European Year for Combatting Poverty and Social Exclusion, report for the Institute of Volunteering Research on behalf of the Office for Civil Society.
  14. Lever, J., Puig, M., Miele, M. and Higgin, M. (2010) From the Slaughterhouse to the Consumer: Transparency and Information in the Distribution of Halal and Kosher Meat, Research Report, Dialrel Project WP 4.3, Cardiff University.
  15. Welfare Quality Report 18 (2010) The Assessment of Animal Welfare on Broiler Farms, Farmers’ Experiences of the Farm Assessment: Interviews with Farmers Part 2: Bock, B.B., Swagemakers, P., Lever, J., Montanari, C. and Ferrari, P.
  16. Lever, J. and Puig, M. (2010) ‘The development of halal and kosher meat markets in the UK’, Dialrel Factsheet.
  17. Lever, J. (2009) Research Report for Work Package 4.6.3, Welfare Quality Project: unpublished.
  18. Lever, J. (2008) Governance, Partnerships and the Mainstreaming of Community Safety, Unpublished PhD Thesis, UWE: Bristol.
  19. Lever, J. (2008) National Evaluation Report for Heartland Community Voice Neighbourhood Management Partnership, Portsmouth City Council, on behalf of the National Evaluation Team.
  20. Lever, J. (2007) National Evaluation Report for Boscombe and Springbourne Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder, on behalf of the National Evaluation Team.
  21. Lever, J. (2007) National Evaluation Report for Pan/ Isle of White Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder, on behalf of the National Evaluation Team.
  22. Lever, J. and Robathan, B. (2005) The Role of the Hengrove School Community Police Support Officer, Evaluation Report
  23. Lever, J. (2002) Commercial Practice in the Voluntary Sector; An Evaluation of the Oxfam Shop Support Team, MSc Thesis, UWE: Bristol.

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